Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Forming opinion

In the course of day-to-day life, one comes across many types of individuals.

Different kinds of interaction do occur, from simple ("Xcuse me U got a lighter?") to a more extensive one ("This is Mr John Doe, your new CEO.")

In some cases someone would be uttering a monologue on a podium or pulpit, while in others it will be a passenger on adjacent seat in a 10-hour flight from Amsterdam to Beijing.

Musician may sing with a gravelly voice, such as those of Phil Driscol and Joe Cocker while others would croon with smooth sopranos such as Billie Holiday and Sandra.

You come across a man with stomach spilling over the waistline, or other with a weasel-like nose.

A normal person quickly forms opinion about any such interaction/encounter. Indeed it is a healthy thing--makes one feel real good thinking, "Gee, if that girl knew what I think of the dress she's wearing, she'd run home like a shot to hide or at least change into something else.."
That is, AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THAT OPINION TO YOURSELF. Keep your opinion to yourself.

A few humans are blessed with a sixth sense that's like being able to read minds. This kind of individuals instinctively note the value entered into your head's registry about them (your opinion about them) and react in different ways. from scowling to smiling to offering a handshake. Nevertheless even with these weirdos, as long as you don't voice (or write or key) your opinion and keep it to yourself, no problem. If (s)he comes forth and asks, "So you are of the opinion that my ears look like rabbit's?", you face them, turn on the most clear-eyed, innocent look and gasp, "OGodNooo! Whatever made you think so??", and when they are out of earshot, chuckle with glee and go about your business.

© D. Makundi, 2006.

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