Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bye 2007 walcum 2008

At the time the year was coming ot a close, Tanzanians were keenly following the general elections in the neighbouring kenya, held on 29th. Things had started well enough, stations opening early on, some people queuing dutifully one hour before opening times. Voting took place during the day more or less without any alarming event. Stuff counted, returning officer filing in reports and all.

Early on the pattern started emerging with increasing clarity--the opposition were poised to win by landslide. So many famous politicians had lost their constituencies to the opposition.

Second day passed before the electoral commission made any announcement. And third. The delay started causing anxiety and suspicion: what is the eck up to? The world was soon to know, because the commission on sunday 31 dec 07 made an announcement that the incumbent has retained presidency.

The country then went bloody, houses torched, necks cut, tribal animosity always thinly veiled burst forth into a frenzy of crazed fighting. By the time things quietened down a bit after three days, more than 300 people were reported dead by news networks. As of now, there is a tense quiet as the opposing sides are holding on to terms that are insoluble.

And the world economy went on to indicate hard times ahead, what with oil hitting provebial USD 100 per barrel in the first week of the year.