Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 is here

The year past got me to think, is the clock going backwards? Religious skirmishes at several spots in the world, John-Silver-type piracy in full bloom, increase in belief in occult and zodiac among population (can you in your right mind believe the position of planet Mars will bring you luck? Aah!). Meanwhile politician continued making the country their playground, full of numskulls (numskulls that included professors and thousands of graduates). The stylishly-written contracts continued to benefit devil's agents. How much do they want to leave for their families when they croak, anyway? What's the point of stashing the steal in foreign banks, yet deny thievery?
Then came election, led by the star of change. Political bridge was shaken! indicator of what is in the future. Zanzibar election outcome was a win-win for all players.
I lost Ade, my sister, one of the closest to my heart. I owe her a book i must complete and publish for the world to learn a few things. More obituary, Dr Gregory Njau, Bobby Farrel.
Reunion of sorts, touching base with Brandon, Willemijn and Pallav. And Kissoon and Sheila.
2011 no much resolutions, except giving (however little i have) and coming to terms with procrastination.

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