Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Plain stupid: Malawian reaction from Madonna's adoption bid

I'm sure all of us must have heard the story by now.

Madonna, the American super-star, with what I see as wholly
well-meaning gesture, sought to adopt a year-old malawian boy, Banda.
The boy was in an ophanage. It's not as if Madonna is desperate for a
child--she and her husband have two kids already.

The reaction of human rights groups and press surprised everyone,
especially Madonna and her husband. I am not at all surprised. That is
typical African way of doing things. Grab any subject as long as you
can get some popularity, attract media attention, and have something
to report as one of your major annual activities.

The amount of money the human rights watchdogs are spending as legal
fees to fight the madonna case could have helped other kids still in
Malawian ophanages--Madonna had been right all along when she sang, "A man can tell a thousand lies", although I'd express it as, "A thousand men can tell a lie": that's what so called press and human rights critics are doing in exchange for cheap popularity.

Dear Madonna, have heart, thousands of us are rallying right behind you!

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