Thursday, November 16, 2006

Congo Democratic Republic

Congo DR recently held a run-off elections for top office. Incumbent Kabila was being challenged by Bemba, who had been his Vice-President. The first round of elections had Bemba trailing Kabila at a distance, but constitution dictated that the winner must obtain 50 pc of the ballots cast. Therefore run-off.

While voting was done and Electral commission was working frantically to complete the counting job and announce the winner, Bemba had been interviewed by prominent media houses and said he would accept results, whichever outcome. This was maybe a slip of tongue. As results continued pouring in it was clear that Kabila was going to be the winner.

When at last the results were officially announced this week, who, but Bemba, held a press conference saying there was no way he was going to accept the results. I wasn't surprised, this is what I'd been expecting all along. Typical African elections. And in the land of the Ramble in the Jungle too! Someone will sing about it sometime, for the Congolese are so musical...

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