Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Gullible

Ads on tv and radio get to a point of having me want to puke. A more-than-it-deserves emphasis has been placed on importance of washing hands using water and soap (i wonder if there are people who use kerosene and soil to wash hands). Again and again it goes. In one instance, a good goal scorer, asked what makes him perform, pipes, "I wash my hands with soap and water"--HOGWASH! In yet another, a woman who inherited huge wealth because of cooking expertise, "confided" that the secret behind her success lay on washing her hands with soap and water. The BS goes on and on.
Who sponsors this nonsense? USAID. If anyone comes across this post, please let them know although statistically many of us are dumb, there are spikes in that continuum, that don't put up with nonsense.

Ads are not everyone's business. There has to be professionalism in preparing them. If I had my way, I'd fire every one in the soap-and-water series of ads. As for USAID, there are more effective ways of spending those greenbacks. We do have malnutrition because of poverty, desks and chairs not enough to meet need etc. Any grown up (4 and above) knows about washing hands with soap and water.

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