Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup Viewing as Technology Advancement Indicator

Google's doodle to mark the beginning of South Africa 2010.

Tanzania Mainland did not have any TV broadcasting stations for decades after independence. The first station was Independent Television (ITV), belonging to IPP group. Few people who had TV sets then were using them for watching videotapes (VHS and BetaMax, no DVDs then!). Again most of them had bought their sets from trips/stay abroad.
I had bought my 14-inch Sharp TV while studying in Nigeria in 1990. And what a break, there was Italia 90 World Cup. My room at Suleiman Hall, ABU, Zaria, was packed to capacity by my classmates and colleagues throughout the tournament.
Time rolled, and I completed my schooling, traveled back to Tanzania Early 1991. Upon reaching Dar-es-Salaam, my TV and video deck were confiscated: these items had to be registered. After much hassle, I got licenses (registration cards) for the two articles, similar in look to motor vehicle registration card! complete with space for transfer to future buyers--LOL ! TV and video decks attracted annual license fee which, however, was later scrapped for one reason or other.
In 1994 I still had my little Sharp TV. I was living in a community of apartment blocks, and my video deck was a real entertainment to neighbours and friends. Come USA 94 world cup, Those owning TVs in Dar were few and far apart, therefore my flat was filled just like four years earlier in Nigeria.
France 98 and subsequent World Cup tournaments were quite different, though. Virtually everyone owned a TV then., and public drinking places had started a system of attracting customers by placing TVs on their lounges. Many households even have a different TV in every room
South Africa 2010 is setting its own trend: The cable TV providers are peddling their mechandise at discount prices to grab opportunity of  widening subscriber base. One such cable TV provider, DSTV, shall be airing all matches live on different channels where more than one match plays at the same time. The choice is upon the holder of the remote controller what match to watch.
Another change in the TV broadcast landscape is expected soon (2012 or so), when law shall require all Tanzania television broadcast to be digital.

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