Thursday, June 11, 2009

Internet is resourceful-how did we ever survive without the www?

Awhile back I sadly observed Yahoo was about to kill Geocities. Around that time I had a feel on a certain free open source CMS software (Drupal). For this I had to install it on localhost... another free suite of webserver, database and scripting language installed as xampp.

The two events are signs of the times. Whereas to make a webpage on Geocities one needed to know at least the basics of html, one wouldn't need to have a little bit of knowledge of html or scripting language to build quite a complex website, blogs etc on Drupal.

The relationships on web use is what could be described as symbiotic association: A website owner would place ads on their websites announcing someone else's product. Web users would be brought to the site for information they want, likely to be enticed (not conned) by ads there. When they visit the link on the ad, whoever is selling a product or service becomes happy, someone is appraising their mechandise. The website owner is happy, a click has registered on their adsense. Google or other adserver is happy because the advertiser is happily paying . It is a win-win situation.

There are other services too which are so cool such as Wikipedia, MIT-OCW it is a big miracke that they are there. Webmail too, with their virtually unlimited capacity mailboxes: how were we surviving with a 2 MB mailbox as recently as 5 years ago?

The word of hardware has its own tale to tell, but that would be a subject of another post.

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