CERN, European Research Institution is today undertaking an experiment meant to discover what might have not be discovered in nuclear physics as at now. What'll you get when you break a proton by smashing protons into each other while moving at the speed of light?
For that research they have been building a huge hoop of 23 kilometre circumferences where protons race by being propelled by strong magnetic fields supplied by superconducting magnets chilled by liquid helium.
Here's what in the past has been described as Deathwish, or Curiosity of Cat; or Pandora's Box: a consortium of the best of brains from several countries in the world are doing something whose outcome is unknown. Proton is a positively-charged smallest particulate matter that, we have been all along considering as indivisible. When two protons smash upon each other at ~2c speed (that is, two particles each moving at almost the speed of light) one of the expected outcome is breakage of unbreakable, forming another hitherto unknown particle (call it makundon or demiroton so). The other outcome may be fusion of two protons into a particle twice the mass of proton (call it biproton or so). Now, here's trouble. This particle of twice the mass of proton may exert such a strong attractive force that will result into other protons being attracted and fusing onto the "biproton" forming an even bigger particle as each piece of mass joins the orgy. The result may be a black hole whereby our earth shall collapse with the instance of a punched baloon, with moon, solar system, galaxy etc to follow.
When that happens it will be so quick and painless, so earthlings needn't worry about it. Plus, there won't be anywhere to go. Since universe came out of big bang, it will all come in together in a big whoosh, and there shall be peace and quiet commonplace when you have absolute zero temperature and a particle of negligible dimensions but weighing one Universe: until such time that there shall be anoter big bang (zillions of centuries from today) followed by evolution etc. If life was an accident, this week shall be the end of life and no one to tell the story.
Bye, fellow earthlings, should the experiment go WHOOOOSH!
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