October 2010 Elections
Tanzania was heated up in the month of October, for, at the end of that month the General Elections would be held. A once-in-five-years event, the president, members of parliament and councillors get elected by secret ballot.
During the past elections the Ruling Party, Chama cha mapinduzi (CCM) had been winning president and MP elections by a comfortable margin. Their candidate, the incumbent Dr Kikwete was expected to be re-elected for the second and final five-year stint. In 2010, the strongest opposition party, Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA)departed from the tradition of party chairman running for president (he would run for MP of constituency. Other parties followed suit). CHADEMA candidate for president was its Secretary General, Dr Slaa, MP for Karatu, a vocal legislator.
The campaign was heated, and, at times, violent. Charged election campaigns brought massive following and prediction that voter turnout would surpass previous election years. Voting day eventually came. Save a glitch here and there, the National Electorate Council had done a good job of availing and equipping.
As results were being called out, it did appear the opposition was headed to pick some of votes and constituencies that would have gone to CCM. Counting was going slooowly. To cut long story short, Before presidential results were announced, Dr Slaa called a press conference that he had proof there was foul play, and that the Commission should not announce results before the irregularity was straightened out. Anyways, the results were announced. The odd thing was in the percentage of registered voters who actually voted. Less than half voted! CCM presidential candidate won by 61%, a rather low margin compared to past elections.
In Zanzibar, the elections were such a bliss that many a dowager will talk about for the coming days. Having earlier voted for government of national unity, the outcome of voting was close, between the Civil United Front (CUF) candidate, Sheikh Hamad, and the CCM candidate, Dr Shein. Unlike the previous two that were marred with violence, this time around atmosphere was peaceful, and when Shein won by a narrow percentage, Hamad conceded and immediately congratulated him. Zanzibaris had managed to bury the differences that had made everyone uncomfortable for years.
The parameter that was key in these elections was corruption. It might as well be said that the opposition drumming of how it would stamp out corruption may have contributed to these funny results.
Papers, television and radio:
Most of the media are either owned by or sympathize with one of the main candidates or other. Reading or watching what was being reported had this bias that was quite an irritation.
Winners and losers
W: Dr Kikwete - President of Tanzania
W: Dr Slaa - Runner-up with more than 20% votes
W: Mr Mrema - Member of Parliament for Vunjo Constituency by Tanzania Labour Party (TLP) ticket.
W: Mr Mbowe - MP for Hai, Chadema
W: Mr Mnyika - youthful and charismatic, MP for Ubungo, Chadema
L: Mr Fahmi Dovuthwa - Presidential candidate who brought up in the rear, his unorthodox offer of his votes to CCM candidate (whatever motive) not taken
L: Mr Mbatia - Chairman of NCCR-Mageuzi party who ran for Kawe Constituency and lost to Halima Mdee
W: Ms Halima Mdee - MP, Chadema. Beat all odds to snatch Kawe, the stronghold of CCM.
L: Mr Basil Mramba - CCM, Rombo, to Chadema candidate, Selasini. Grass-eating gaffe is not forgotten by many.
W: Mr January Makamba - MP Bumbuli. I approve the approach used to unseat the incumbent. I wish more young persons would do that in their respective parties.
W: Mrs Rita Mlaki, for figuring how to get back into the parliament.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Chile rescue: engineering par excellence
Thirty-three miners were almost a kilometre down deep in earth's bowels. Some earth movement caused a section of the tunnel to collapse, trapping them in. Efforts to find out if there were survivors were made.
Something akin to a miracle occurred. When sinking long holes in a rather try and error manner, then retrieving to see if anything--just anything--got on the drill tip. At one such time, a piece of paper was wrapped on the drill bit. Unfurling it, and there was a note written on it. The information was sufficient to launch a flurry of activities that culminated into the thirty-three miners rescue earlier this week.
The challenges to engineers were daunting. At some 700 metres below the surface drilling a hole capable of lifting the men to safety was a mammoth-sized problem. That was when the world noted the special position of engineers for mankind. So long have they floated in the oceans with thousands of tons of freight, or cruising high in jumbo jets; taking it for granted that the craft are just there, not observing the fantastic engineering of them.
I take this opportunity to salute all involved in the rescue operation, and kudos to all the people of Chile for the miracle.
Something akin to a miracle occurred. When sinking long holes in a rather try and error manner, then retrieving to see if anything--just anything--got on the drill tip. At one such time, a piece of paper was wrapped on the drill bit. Unfurling it, and there was a note written on it. The information was sufficient to launch a flurry of activities that culminated into the thirty-three miners rescue earlier this week.
The challenges to engineers were daunting. At some 700 metres below the surface drilling a hole capable of lifting the men to safety was a mammoth-sized problem. That was when the world noted the special position of engineers for mankind. So long have they floated in the oceans with thousands of tons of freight, or cruising high in jumbo jets; taking it for granted that the craft are just there, not observing the fantastic engineering of them.
I take this opportunity to salute all involved in the rescue operation, and kudos to all the people of Chile for the miracle.
Monday, October 04, 2010
eThinkTankTz mourn Andrew dACHI
When the news of the passing of Andrew Dachi Kapaga (ADK) hit the list on 30 September 2010, it set forth a long series of reflections mostly by those having had business acquaintance with the outgoing IT hero. Andrew had been those one of those persons with two self-fanning driving attributes: his insatiable desire to stay abreast with new developments in the trade, and willingness to share--by teaching, practicing and otherwise--with others. This made him popular among superiors, colleagues, trainees and mankind. It would not do justice to let the long list of eulogies posted on eThinkTankTZ pass into "yesternet" unnoticed, therefore I am putting them in their entirety on my blog. There is no doubt that dACHI was a really good person. May his relatives and friends read this and feel pride, such a good man we are missing.
From: Aziz Mongi
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:20 pm
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more aziz_mongi
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It is with deep sadness and sorrow that I am today the harbinger of not-so-good news.
My uncle, colleague and friend, Andrew Kapaga Dachi, has passed away sometime between yesterday and today. I received the phone call from another colleague today, who does not have the full details of Dachi's death, but he promised to share more information as he received it.
This came to me as quite a shock, because it reminded me of what I was thinking only three days. I was thinking whether any on of us is prepared for their own death. What does happen if you dont wake up tomorrow? Are you prepared? I better get started with the preparations, because your Last Day on Earth is Allah's Secret! Only He has knowledge of it, and you are never really prepared.
You may die of natural causes - such as diseases, coronary or pulmonary failure, etc. - or by accident. But you will never really know when you will go. That is a fact.
Dachi had moved to Botswana, where he established himself as an IT guru and entrepreneur, being based in Franscistown. He commuted to Gaborone - for work projects - on a regular basis. He had also set up a company, called ISA Business Consulting, together with some local partners. He had acquired many clients and with the success, he had ventured into other non-IT projects, such as real estate and entertainment!
Dachi was in Tanzania recently during August-September, we worked together on an IT Security project for a public-sector client. He was truly one of the most knowledgeable persons in IT and Data security; he had the mind of a genius. He taught himself ALL that he knew on IT and Data Security. He could scan your entire network and show you all the security weaknesses, and provide you with a solution on how to fix them. This is something that is seriously lacking in many of our private- and public-sector data networks. How I wish Dachi was here to help us find our way in this melee of DDoS attacks (a local network just suffered this earlier today...) and other malicious attacks, such as website defacing, etc. How I wish.
I truly respected Dachi, he taught me a lot, mostly, he taught me discipline and patience. He taught me never to give up, especially when things are rough.
I will truly miss him. I am sure many of his former colleagues at COSTECH and other entities will too.
Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un!
Aziz Losika Mongi, ICT Consultant & Entrepreneur
"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step." - Chinese Proverb
".... and a roadmap!" - Uknown
From: John Magoha
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:56 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more mgosingwa2000
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May his soul rest in peace and Allah grant all of us the courage and wisdom to learn from his successful professional life.
Sent from my iPhone4 by AT&T
From: H M HAJI
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:47 pm
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more hajihm
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Me too, received this sad news with great shock, I wish strength to those who were closed to him like me, I know dACHI for a quite long time, few years ago I was one of the referees for his online MBA programme in Holland, definitely we will miss him, I will always remember my dear compañero dACHI way back in Havana and back in Tanzania chanting "Spanish Latino" to remember our days over there. Oh! My GOD, what a loss.
Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un!
Haji, H. M.,
Digital Forensics Consultant.
United Kingdom.
Email: h.haji@...
From: Yassin Mshana
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 4:14 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ymshana2003@...
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Wote ni Wake na Kwake tutarejea.
Dua zetu zisikike. Amin!!
From: Hebron Mwakalinga
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:52 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more hmwakalinga
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Aziz and all ITzens of .Tz
It is quite sad to hear the passing away of Mr. Dachi, really he was one of the few pioneers of IT Security in Tanzania, I interacted with him in early 1990s when Internet was just making its way in the country.
Mungu awape nguvu wana familia na yeye amlaze mahali pema peponi.
Hebron Mwakalinga
Facilitating Markets for Development
Mikocheni B, Kambarage Street (former Garden Street, Block No. 371
P.O.Box 78496. Dar es Salaam.
From: Pantaleon Shoki
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 1:03 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more shokipn2000
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Dear ALL
This is really a sad news. However, that is GOD's wishes. Mungu ailaze mahali pema peponi. AMINA
Pantaleon N Shoki
Managing Director
Victoria Research Bureau Ltd
From: ciwTz
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:35 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ciwtz
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I'm sorry to hear of Dachi's death.
I have some tribute to pay for dACHI (how he preferred to write his name):
Andre was one of old timers like me who had began tinkering with computers since the ages of Quattro-Pro, Lotus-1-2-3 and Wordstar 2000. In those days everything was proprietary. Like John Dvorak, dACHI was nimble enough to update himself with challenges of times in IT industry. When sony was marketing its first CD-writers for TShs 2 million at the Kilimanjaro Hotel during AITEC exhibition, I and dACHI gasped with awe at the beauty of one having such drive. Writable media was TShs 10,000. It was unimaginable that writable CDs would come to cost about 200 Shillings some decades later, or a writer would be ripping at more than 50x, yet costing about TShs 40,000.
We saw first GUI OS matching in and capturing people hearts. Those fonts!
Yes, I am going to remember The Big Man dACHI. Patiently explaining sectors and heads, CDS-ISIS and DBaseIV to newbies. In those days the hard disks were 500 megabyte size, but we managed very well. Today we have two tera-byte drives that weigh a fraction of their ancestors of 1990s. We are still seeing surprises, as if there is no end to innovation: There were no re-writable CD's then, no DVDs. Now there are even HD media.
dACHI, your contribution from the days of COSTECH to Raha dot com etc was quite significant. Bye! (*sob*).
From: Msafiri kimario
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more lenduli
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Dear E think Gurus,
Personaly I don't know him, but according to his profile given by other Gurus in this forum for sure he was a great guys of our times especially for young IT's who had a lote to learn from him.
My Almight God reast his soul in eternal peace and hope we will always cherish his contribution toward ICT for development not only in Tanzania but also in Africa as he was strugglind to desserminate his knowledge beyound Tanzania.
In GOD WE Trust
From: "Kweba, Bulemo"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 6:34 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more bkweba
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Rest in Peace Dachi,
Dachi came to our graduating class ( Forodhani Secondary School 1991) to demostrate Computers and its pheripherals.
Its because of his inspiration and his love of IT that some of us choose this field as our lifetime career.
He will be sorely missed.
Bulemo Francis Kweba
The Hague, Netherlands
From: vinod gandhi
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 12:30 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more metrovin
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am sorry for his sudden demise. can anyone let me know what happened to him
god rest is souls in peace
From: "apollobs_temu"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:50 am
Subject: Re: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more apollobs_temu
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Ndugu zangu
This shocking!!
Yuko wapi? What happened? What are the plans?
He taught many of us many things, and many of us aspired to achieve what he had
Databases, from days of DBase III, III+, IV and outside IT, talk about physical
training, Karate!!
If feels like unreal
My heart goes out to his family members and close friends.
Andrew Dachi - you will be missed, terribly! This is one BIG loss to the country
too and the IT Profession.
Mungu amrehemu.
Apollo Temu
From: "apollobs_temu"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:59 am
Subject: Re: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more apollobs_temu
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More information is posted be it still limited
Perhaps it is a denial element in me that makes one start looking for more info
Please let us know if anyone gets more information.
Apollo Temu
From: Yassin Mshana
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 4:06 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ymshana2003@...
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Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un.
God lent us and now has called back. Ametutengulia ndugu yetu dua yetu asikie Mola Aiweke roho yake pema peponi. Amen!
From: "Benn Haidari"
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:31 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more benn.haidari@...
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Innalillahi Wa Innailayhi Raajiuun,
When he was in Botswana, were writing to each other, but in the lat 2 months I did not get any mail from him.
May God give im a better place in the heaven.
#17134 From: Frank Kanani
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 9:13 am
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more frankanani
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Although no words can really help to ease the loss of our loving brother, we just know that we are very close in every thoughts and prayers.My sincere deepest sympathies goes to his family and friends, may his soul
rest in eternal peace…......
Mungu aliumba na yeye ndiye aliyetwaa kazi ya Mungu haina makosa! Mungu akutie nguvu.......
From: Prosper Kaberwa
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 11:56 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more pkaberwa
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May God grant him eternal Peace. Amen
The longest journey starts with the first step - Chinese
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything! - Unknown
From: Edwin Mpogolo
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 1:29 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more empogolo
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A really sad day for all of us in ICT
He introduced me to Internet well before the World Wide Web, tossing me a Tourbus once a week to worm around the Internet and send results a week later (Was it through Satelife?). Then gave me Clipper - man that was something, to create nice graphical interfaces with a professions touch - and make money too! And he has not returned my Ilma la Duce Betamax Video since 1987! But no I can't complain.
I talked to him last only three months ago - that is after he got my number through my email to eTTTz
Fare well thee, good old dACHI! You were a jolly good fellow, and will certainly be missed by many of us ICT old hands!
May the Almighty Rest Your Soul in Peace!
From: Muttagirwa Yahoo
Date: Sat Oct 2, 2010 2:33 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more muttagirwa
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RIP Dachi... Too soon to call off ... But ur shared moments n memories'll last forever
Dr Longino
From: Sendoro
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 9:41 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more sendoro
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Dear All,
I had worked with late Dachi, surely he was among those ICT gurus in the country, this surely a loss to ICT industry and Tanzania as a whole.
RIP Andrew Dach!!! Indeed that is our destiny.
From: Stephano Ole-Teveli
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 7:56 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ndiango
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Dear All,
Poleni sana ! Andrew dACHI was a dear friend and it is so sad to hear that he is no longer. May God rest his soul in eternal life. I knew him since 1984 and have worked with him in the eighties and nineties. He is a real IT Guru. I can't find words to describe him ! Let us be ready because no one knows when the time comes for departing from this corrupted world.
I wish to get more details on when this occurred and the funeral arrangements.
Stephano Ole-Teveli
P.O.Box 14693
Arusha, Tanzania
E-mail: stefano_ndiango@...
From: "Masaro, Arnold"
Date: Mon Oct 4, 2010 9:17 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more arnoldtmasaro
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It says a lot when peers mourn the passing of a colleague like this. It not only says that we are saddened, but also that we salute the accomplishments of the departed.
I worked with dACHI on one assignment in 1998. Indeed, he was a true scholar and a gentleman.
May God rest his soul in eternal peace.
From: "DS"
Date: Mon Oct 4, 2010 11:43 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more dsawe
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Hear, hear,
That's very well put Arnold. Our departed colleague had indeed many
accomplishments to his name.
On my side, I'd known Dachi since back in his Costech days, but we lost touch
along the way after his move to Botswana. It was back in mid-December 2009 that
we were able to get back in contact again, thanks to Facebook, but only for a
far too brief exchange of messages.
May his soul be blessed with Eternal Peace.
From: Aziz Mongi
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:20 pm
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more aziz_mongi
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It is with deep sadness and sorrow that I am today the harbinger of not-so-good news.
My uncle, colleague and friend, Andrew Kapaga Dachi, has passed away sometime between yesterday and today. I received the phone call from another colleague today, who does not have the full details of Dachi's death, but he promised to share more information as he received it.
This came to me as quite a shock, because it reminded me of what I was thinking only three days. I was thinking whether any on of us is prepared for their own death. What does happen if you dont wake up tomorrow? Are you prepared? I better get started with the preparations, because your Last Day on Earth is Allah's Secret! Only He has knowledge of it, and you are never really prepared.
You may die of natural causes - such as diseases, coronary or pulmonary failure, etc. - or by accident. But you will never really know when you will go. That is a fact.
Dachi had moved to Botswana, where he established himself as an IT guru and entrepreneur, being based in Franscistown. He commuted to Gaborone - for work projects - on a regular basis. He had also set up a company, called ISA Business Consulting, together with some local partners. He had acquired many clients and with the success, he had ventured into other non-IT projects, such as real estate and entertainment!
Dachi was in Tanzania recently during August-September, we worked together on an IT Security project for a public-sector client. He was truly one of the most knowledgeable persons in IT and Data security; he had the mind of a genius. He taught himself ALL that he knew on IT and Data Security. He could scan your entire network and show you all the security weaknesses, and provide you with a solution on how to fix them. This is something that is seriously lacking in many of our private- and public-sector data networks. How I wish Dachi was here to help us find our way in this melee of DDoS attacks (a local network just suffered this earlier today...) and other malicious attacks, such as website defacing, etc. How I wish.
I truly respected Dachi, he taught me a lot, mostly, he taught me discipline and patience. He taught me never to give up, especially when things are rough.
I will truly miss him. I am sure many of his former colleagues at COSTECH and other entities will too.
Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un!
Aziz Losika Mongi, ICT Consultant & Entrepreneur
"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step." - Chinese Proverb
".... and a roadmap!" - Uknown
From: John Magoha
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:56 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more mgosingwa2000
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May his soul rest in peace and Allah grant all of us the courage and wisdom to learn from his successful professional life.
Sent from my iPhone4 by AT&T
From: H M HAJI
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:47 pm
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more hajihm
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Me too, received this sad news with great shock, I wish strength to those who were closed to him like me, I know dACHI for a quite long time, few years ago I was one of the referees for his online MBA programme in Holland, definitely we will miss him, I will always remember my dear compañero dACHI way back in Havana and back in Tanzania chanting "Spanish Latino" to remember our days over there. Oh! My GOD, what a loss.
Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un!
Haji, H. M.,
Digital Forensics Consultant.
United Kingdom.
Email: h.haji@...
From: Yassin Mshana
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 4:14 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ymshana2003@...
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Wote ni Wake na Kwake tutarejea.
Dua zetu zisikike. Amin!!
From: Hebron Mwakalinga
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:52 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more hmwakalinga
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Aziz and all ITzens of .Tz
It is quite sad to hear the passing away of Mr. Dachi, really he was one of the few pioneers of IT Security in Tanzania, I interacted with him in early 1990s when Internet was just making its way in the country.
Mungu awape nguvu wana familia na yeye amlaze mahali pema peponi.
Hebron Mwakalinga
Facilitating Markets for Development
Mikocheni B, Kambarage Street (former Garden Street, Block No. 371
P.O.Box 78496. Dar es Salaam.
From: Pantaleon Shoki
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 1:03 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more shokipn2000
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Dear ALL
This is really a sad news. However, that is GOD's wishes. Mungu ailaze mahali pema peponi. AMINA
Pantaleon N Shoki
Managing Director
Victoria Research Bureau Ltd
From: ciwTz
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:35 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ciwtz
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I'm sorry to hear of Dachi's death.
I have some tribute to pay for dACHI (how he preferred to write his name):
Andre was one of old timers like me who had began tinkering with computers since the ages of Quattro-Pro, Lotus-1-2-3 and Wordstar 2000. In those days everything was proprietary. Like John Dvorak, dACHI was nimble enough to update himself with challenges of times in IT industry. When sony was marketing its first CD-writers for TShs 2 million at the Kilimanjaro Hotel during AITEC exhibition, I and dACHI gasped with awe at the beauty of one having such drive. Writable media was TShs 10,000. It was unimaginable that writable CDs would come to cost about 200 Shillings some decades later, or a writer would be ripping at more than 50x, yet costing about TShs 40,000.
We saw first GUI OS matching in and capturing people hearts. Those fonts!
Yes, I am going to remember The Big Man dACHI. Patiently explaining sectors and heads, CDS-ISIS and DBaseIV to newbies. In those days the hard disks were 500 megabyte size, but we managed very well. Today we have two tera-byte drives that weigh a fraction of their ancestors of 1990s. We are still seeing surprises, as if there is no end to innovation: There were no re-writable CD's then, no DVDs. Now there are even HD media.
dACHI, your contribution from the days of COSTECH to Raha dot com etc was quite significant. Bye! (*sob*).
From: Msafiri kimario
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more lenduli
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Dear E think Gurus,
Personaly I don't know him, but according to his profile given by other Gurus in this forum for sure he was a great guys of our times especially for young IT's who had a lote to learn from him.
My Almight God reast his soul in eternal peace and hope we will always cherish his contribution toward ICT for development not only in Tanzania but also in Africa as he was strugglind to desserminate his knowledge beyound Tanzania.
In GOD WE Trust
From: "Kweba, Bulemo"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 6:34 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more bkweba
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Rest in Peace Dachi,
Dachi came to our graduating class ( Forodhani Secondary School 1991) to demostrate Computers and its pheripherals.
Its because of his inspiration and his love of IT that some of us choose this field as our lifetime career.
He will be sorely missed.
Bulemo Francis Kweba
The Hague, Netherlands
From: vinod gandhi
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 12:30 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more metrovin
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am sorry for his sudden demise. can anyone let me know what happened to him
god rest is souls in peace
From: "apollobs_temu"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:50 am
Subject: Re: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more apollobs_temu
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Ndugu zangu
This shocking!!
Yuko wapi? What happened? What are the plans?
He taught many of us many things, and many of us aspired to achieve what he had
Databases, from days of DBase III, III+, IV and outside IT, talk about physical
training, Karate!!
If feels like unreal
My heart goes out to his family members and close friends.
Andrew Dachi - you will be missed, terribly! This is one BIG loss to the country
too and the IT Profession.
Mungu amrehemu.
Apollo Temu
From: "apollobs_temu"
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 12:59 am
Subject: Re: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more apollobs_temu
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More information is posted be it still limited
Perhaps it is a denial element in me that makes one start looking for more info
Please let us know if anyone gets more information.
Apollo Temu
From: Yassin Mshana
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 4:06 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ymshana2003@...
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Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Raaj'un.
God lent us and now has called back. Ametutengulia ndugu yetu dua yetu asikie Mola Aiweke roho yake pema peponi. Amen!
From: "Benn Haidari"
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:31 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more benn.haidari@...
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Innalillahi Wa Innailayhi Raajiuun,
When he was in Botswana, were writing to each other, but in the lat 2 months I did not get any mail from him.
May God give im a better place in the heaven.
#17134 From: Frank Kanani
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 9:13 am
Subject: Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more frankanani
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Although no words can really help to ease the loss of our loving brother, we just know that we are very close in every thoughts and prayers.My sincere deepest sympathies goes to his family and friends, may his soul
rest in eternal peace…......
Mungu aliumba na yeye ndiye aliyetwaa kazi ya Mungu haina makosa! Mungu akutie nguvu.......
From: Prosper Kaberwa
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 11:56 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more pkaberwa
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May God grant him eternal Peace. Amen
The longest journey starts with the first step - Chinese
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything! - Unknown
From: Edwin Mpogolo
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2010 1:29 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more empogolo
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A really sad day for all of us in ICT
He introduced me to Internet well before the World Wide Web, tossing me a Tourbus once a week to worm around the Internet and send results a week later (Was it through Satelife?). Then gave me Clipper - man that was something, to create nice graphical interfaces with a professions touch - and make money too! And he has not returned my Ilma la Duce Betamax Video since 1987! But no I can't complain.
I talked to him last only three months ago - that is after he got my number through my email to eTTTz
Fare well thee, good old dACHI! You were a jolly good fellow, and will certainly be missed by many of us ICT old hands!
May the Almighty Rest Your Soul in Peace!
From: Muttagirwa Yahoo
Date: Sat Oct 2, 2010 2:33 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more muttagirwa
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RIP Dachi... Too soon to call off ... But ur shared moments n memories'll last forever
Dr Longino
From: Sendoro
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 9:41 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more sendoro
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Dear All,
I had worked with late Dachi, surely he was among those ICT gurus in the country, this surely a loss to ICT industry and Tanzania as a whole.
RIP Andrew Dach!!! Indeed that is our destiny.
From: Stephano Ole-Teveli
Date: Sun Oct 3, 2010 7:56 pm
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more ndiango
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Dear All,
Poleni sana ! Andrew dACHI was a dear friend and it is so sad to hear that he is no longer. May God rest his soul in eternal life. I knew him since 1984 and have worked with him in the eighties and nineties. He is a real IT Guru. I can't find words to describe him ! Let us be ready because no one knows when the time comes for departing from this corrupted world.
I wish to get more details on when this occurred and the funeral arrangements.
Stephano Ole-Teveli
P.O.Box 14693
Arusha, Tanzania
E-mail: stefano_ndiango@...
From: "Masaro, Arnold"
Date: Mon Oct 4, 2010 9:17 am
Subject: RE: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more arnoldtmasaro
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It says a lot when peers mourn the passing of a colleague like this. It not only says that we are saddened, but also that we salute the accomplishments of the departed.
I worked with dACHI on one assignment in 1998. Indeed, he was a true scholar and a gentleman.
May God rest his soul in eternal peace.
From: "DS"
Date: Mon Oct 4, 2010 11:43 am
Subject: Re: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] Death Announcement: Andrew Kapaga Dachi is no more dsawe
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Hear, hear,
That's very well put Arnold. Our departed colleague had indeed many
accomplishments to his name.
On my side, I'd known Dachi since back in his Costech days, but we lost touch
along the way after his move to Botswana. It was back in mid-December 2009 that
we were able to get back in contact again, thanks to Facebook, but only for a
far too brief exchange of messages.
May his soul be blessed with Eternal Peace.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Gullible
Ads on tv and radio get to a point of having me want to puke. A more-than-it-deserves emphasis has been placed on importance of washing hands using water and soap (i wonder if there are people who use kerosene and soil to wash hands). Again and again it goes. In one instance, a good goal scorer, asked what makes him perform, pipes, "I wash my hands with soap and water"--HOGWASH! In yet another, a woman who inherited huge wealth because of cooking expertise, "confided" that the secret behind her success lay on washing her hands with soap and water. The BS goes on and on.
Who sponsors this nonsense? USAID. If anyone comes across this post, please let them know although statistically many of us are dumb, there are spikes in that continuum, that don't put up with nonsense.
Ads are not everyone's business. There has to be professionalism in preparing them. If I had my way, I'd fire every one in the soap-and-water series of ads. As for USAID, there are more effective ways of spending those greenbacks. We do have malnutrition because of poverty, desks and chairs not enough to meet need etc. Any grown up (4 and above) knows about washing hands with soap and water.
Who sponsors this nonsense? USAID. If anyone comes across this post, please let them know although statistically many of us are dumb, there are spikes in that continuum, that don't put up with nonsense.
Ads are not everyone's business. There has to be professionalism in preparing them. If I had my way, I'd fire every one in the soap-and-water series of ads. As for USAID, there are more effective ways of spending those greenbacks. We do have malnutrition because of poverty, desks and chairs not enough to meet need etc. Any grown up (4 and above) knows about washing hands with soap and water.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Mwl. Adeline Makundi
On Tuesday 20 July 2010, at about 7 am in the morning, a nurse asked us,
"What is your relation to her?"
I knew then that something impossible had happened. Silly, I thought, how can that happen? No! Yet we had to answer the nurse's question--so that she could give us explanation why the bed we had left Ade in the evening before was empty.
"I am her older sister, and this is her younger brother", Aika answered for us.
"After you had left her condition did not improve, in fact it deteriorated, and she passed away at one a.m.."
There it was. And I couldn't imagine such a thing ever hapenning.
Mwalimu Ade, at 53, was quite young, with many years of work to put her excellent brains to work for this country which is so much in demand for such gifted persons.
Needless to say I went along with other relatives through the procedure that ended up with burial at our family kihamba at Komakundi village, Kilimanjaro on Saturday 24 July 2010.
I've since been brooding and thinking of the personal loss I suffered for loss of my sibling who was much more than a mere sibling. She was my first and most effective teacher, how I entered formal school head high , academically matching ahead of the crowd was the confidence given by her to me.
As no-one can read future to know one's destiny, I would not attempt to make any conclusion on possibilities that could have produced the best in her earlier on than what she came to achieve at mature age diploma and degree. But, heck, young parents with daughters, hear: If you have to work twenty four hours a day, do that to see to it that your daughter receives the best possible education. If she has promising results at lower classes, sell assets and work if you have to so as to see she makes achievements in education and carreer. That shall be a subject of one of my future posts.
Stanza 1:
O Lord my God,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all
The works Thy Hand hath made,
I see the stars,
I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;
Stanza 2:
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Stanza 3:
When Christ shall come,
With shouts of acclamation,
And take me home,
What joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim,
"My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
"What is your relation to her?"
I knew then that something impossible had happened. Silly, I thought, how can that happen? No! Yet we had to answer the nurse's question--so that she could give us explanation why the bed we had left Ade in the evening before was empty.
"I am her older sister, and this is her younger brother", Aika answered for us.
"After you had left her condition did not improve, in fact it deteriorated, and she passed away at one a.m.."
There it was. And I couldn't imagine such a thing ever hapenning.
Mwalimu Ade, at 53, was quite young, with many years of work to put her excellent brains to work for this country which is so much in demand for such gifted persons.
Needless to say I went along with other relatives through the procedure that ended up with burial at our family kihamba at Komakundi village, Kilimanjaro on Saturday 24 July 2010.
I've since been brooding and thinking of the personal loss I suffered for loss of my sibling who was much more than a mere sibling. She was my first and most effective teacher, how I entered formal school head high , academically matching ahead of the crowd was the confidence given by her to me.
As no-one can read future to know one's destiny, I would not attempt to make any conclusion on possibilities that could have produced the best in her earlier on than what she came to achieve at mature age diploma and degree. But, heck, young parents with daughters, hear: If you have to work twenty four hours a day, do that to see to it that your daughter receives the best possible education. If she has promising results at lower classes, sell assets and work if you have to so as to see she makes achievements in education and carreer. That shall be a subject of one of my future posts.
Stanza 1:
O Lord my God,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all
The works Thy Hand hath made,
I see the stars,
I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;
Stanza 2:
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Stanza 3:
When Christ shall come,
With shouts of acclamation,
And take me home,
What joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim,
"My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
RSA MMX full of surprises
Tempers flare, referees wrong, unbelievable thumping occurs, vuvuzelas drone but play goes on.
When on 13 June 2010 Germany shot Aussies four nil, little did soccer world know things that bad and worse would occur. Then there is North Korea whom no-one could predict what they would show, all along expected to exert bravado especially in show of strength to its adversaries South Korea and America. On 21 June, they had a game against Portugal. They conceded all of seven goals to nothing!
England suffered a humbling beating of 0 - 4 in the hands of Germans, the media and fans of this soccer-adoring nation could have murdered the coach.
We are approaching 11 of July when we have finals. I'm no magician, so I'll watch as the whole scenario unfold.
Nothing like World Cup.
When on 13 June 2010 Germany shot Aussies four nil, little did soccer world know things that bad and worse would occur. Then there is North Korea whom no-one could predict what they would show, all along expected to exert bravado especially in show of strength to its adversaries South Korea and America. On 21 June, they had a game against Portugal. They conceded all of seven goals to nothing!
England suffered a humbling beating of 0 - 4 in the hands of Germans, the media and fans of this soccer-adoring nation could have murdered the coach.
We are approaching 11 of July when we have finals. I'm no magician, so I'll watch as the whole scenario unfold.
Nothing like World Cup.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Undersea Gulf of Mexico Oil Gusher
An environmental disaster of mammoth proportions struck when an undersea oil well broke following an explosion. The challenge to contain the up-pour is the location, being more than a kilometer beneath ocean surface! That place is distant, cold and dark. With gooey oil spewing out in a roar, approach to cap the orifice shall require a custom engineering solution. Several attempts have been tried, with more or less success. Soon, however, some solution is going to work. But by then much of the stuff would have wormed its way along with waves in all compass directions, leaving disaster to fauna and flora in the water and shores it washes up on. fine thing to hear efforts by the likes of Kelvin Costner deploying machines that separates oil from water to salvage the oil while cleaning the seas. I bet someone, too, may come up with a beach-comber sort of machine that eats up oily sand, cleanses it, then spits it out on the beaches, white as satin sheet. Or licks clean the rocky shores without furthering ocean water pollution.
Friday, June 11, 2010
World Cup Viewing as Technology Advancement Indicator
Tanzania Mainland did not have any TV broadcasting stations for decades after independence. The first station was Independent Television (ITV), belonging to IPP group. Few people who had TV sets then were using them for watching videotapes (VHS and BetaMax, no DVDs then!). Again most of them had bought their sets from trips/stay abroad.
I had bought my 14-inch Sharp TV while studying in Nigeria in 1990. And what a break, there was Italia 90 World Cup. My room at Suleiman Hall, ABU, Zaria, was packed to capacity by my classmates and colleagues throughout the tournament.
Time rolled, and I completed my schooling, traveled back to Tanzania Early 1991. Upon reaching Dar-es-Salaam, my TV and video deck were confiscated: these items had to be registered. After much hassle, I got licenses (registration cards) for the two articles, similar in look to motor vehicle registration card! complete with space for transfer to future buyers--LOL ! TV and video decks attracted annual license fee which, however, was later scrapped for one reason or other.
In 1994 I still had my little Sharp TV. I was living in a community of apartment blocks, and my video deck was a real entertainment to neighbours and friends. Come USA 94 world cup, Those owning TVs in Dar were few and far apart, therefore my flat was filled just like four years earlier in Nigeria.
France 98 and subsequent World Cup tournaments were quite different, though. Virtually everyone owned a TV then., and public drinking places had started a system of attracting customers by placing TVs on their lounges. Many households even have a different TV in every room
South Africa 2010 is setting its own trend: The cable TV providers are peddling their mechandise at discount prices to grab opportunity of widening subscriber base. One such cable TV provider, DSTV, shall be airing all matches live on different channels where more than one match plays at the same time. The choice is upon the holder of the remote controller what match to watch.
Another change in the TV broadcast landscape is expected soon (2012 or so), when law shall require all Tanzania television broadcast to be digital.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Towards South Africa 2010
One of the most artistic football venues in South Africa, the newly-built Green Point Stadium is situated in one of the much sought-after areas in the city of Cape Town. Green Point Stadium is one of the two semi-final venues for the FIFA World Cup™.
Source: FIFA Website.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jessica Watson, Kudos! And just 17
Single-handedly, she battled her way all the way around the globe until, literally, she tied a belt on its girth. When I read the news of her sailing back into her home port where the adventure began, I was overwhelmed. Got to think, what inspired her? It then occurred to me how possible a person may change from a plain and simple person to outstanding icon in a space of a few months. We've heard of childhood stardom in sports, music and movies. These are mostly regarded as inborn talents one is stirred to by being egged on by those surrounding one, such as parents.
Wikipedia have already updated Ms Watson entry, of course. There I learned that there were many individuals and associations who were criticizing the feat. Humbug! Some say she's under 18 so she shouldn't have made the daring sailing in the first place. Well, she did, and at a few places battled rough seas, but managed to pull through to the pink-carpet treatment back home. 17 is young? If numbers were a measure of performance, then a thousand-limb milliped would be the fastest organism on land.
I'm eagerly waiting for her book to come out so that I can buy it for myself and some young girls for inspiration.
Wikipedia have already updated Ms Watson entry, of course. There I learned that there were many individuals and associations who were criticizing the feat. Humbug! Some say she's under 18 so she shouldn't have made the daring sailing in the first place. Well, she did, and at a few places battled rough seas, but managed to pull through to the pink-carpet treatment back home. 17 is young? If numbers were a measure of performance, then a thousand-limb milliped would be the fastest organism on land.
I'm eagerly waiting for her book to come out so that I can buy it for myself and some young girls for inspiration.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Tanzania President speaks to "Dar-es-Salaam old men"
As date set for strike by TUCTA edged closer, an intervention came from, no less, the President of the United Republic.
The Swahili version from Tanzania Daima runs below, a speech that raised different feelings in different persons, a speech whose live audience was mostly retirees to whom whatever workers were fighting for was meaningless to them. Cheer they did, throughout the speech.
Kikwete azikataa kura za TUCTA
• Asema wasipompa, wengine watampigia
na Ratifa Baranyikwa na Betty Kangonga
HATIMAYE Rais Jakaya Kikwete amewatisha wafanyakazi ambao wamepanga kushiriki kwenye mgomo ulioitishwa na Shirikisho la Vyama vya Wafanyakazi nchini (TUCTA) uliopangwa kuanza kesho kuwa watakumbana na mkono wa sheria endapo watathubutu kutekeleza azma yao hiyo.
Rais Kikwete alitoa kauli hiyo jana jioni jijini Dar es Salaam, wakati akizungumza na wazee wa mkoa huo kwenye ukumbi wa Diamond Jubilee ambapo alisema kuwa mgomo unaoshinikizwa washiriki ni batili na kinyume cha sheria kwa kuwa umeitishwa katikati ya mazungumzo.
“Mie ndiye muajiri mkuu nisikilizeni mimi, msimsikilize Mgaya (Kaimu Katibu Mkuu TUCTA) mtafukuzwa kazi wala Mgaya hamtamuona! Mtapoteza haki zenu…akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake mtu mzima dawa,” alisema Kikwete ambaye alikuwa akishangiliwa na wazee hao.
Akiwa ameongozana na Makamu wa Rais, Dk, Ali Mohamed Shein, Waziri wa Kazi na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Profesa Juma Kapuya, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, William Lukuvi na viongozi wengine wa chama na serikali, Rais Kikwete alianza kwa kusema kuwa ana mambo mawili ya kuzungumza na wazee hao, na akatamka moja kati ya hayo kuwa ni tishio la mgomo wa TUCTA.
Wengine waliohudhuria mkutano huo wa Kikwete ni Mkuu wa Majeshi ya Ulinzi na Usalama, Jenerali Davis Mwamunyange, Mkuu wa Jeshi la Polisi (IGP), Said Mwema na viongozi wengine wa serikali na Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
Rais Kikwete alisema kuwa hakupenda kulizungumzaia suala hilo kwa sababu alikwishalitolea ufafanuzi mwezi Machi mwaka huu lakini amelazimika kulizungumzia baada ya kuwasilikiliza viongozi wa TUCTA wakiwashawishi wafanyakazi kugoma katika maadhimisho ya sherehe za wafanyakazi za Mei mosi za mwaka huu.
“Nimesikia wakiwashawishi kugoma wakitutuhumu sisi kuwa ni serikali isiyoambilika, huo ni uongo na hawa viongozi wa TUCTA ni waongo, wanafiki…nilieleza katika hotuba yangu ya mwezi Machi jinsi serikali ilivyochukua hatua kuboresha maslahi ya wafanyakazi, na dhamira ya kuendelea kuwajali.
“Nikasema hata katika bajeti ijayo tumejiandaa kuongeza kima cha chini toka sh 60, 000 hadi kufikia 105,000…nikaeleza mambo mazuri toka katika sekta binafsi na umma lakini yote haya wenzetu hawayaoni hata walidiriki kusema kuwa Kikwete kaongeza shilingi 4,000 tu, ama kweli akutukanae hakuchagulii ...” alisema Kikwete kisha wazee hao waliokuwa wakishangilia muda wote aliokuwa akitoa vijembe wakamalizia msemo huo maarufu kwa kibwagizo cha … ‘tusiiiiii’.
“Sasa hata hatujazungumza wameanza kutangaza mgomo, sasa afadhali tuzungumze kwanza maana mgomo una kasheshe zake, mkigoma hamtaachwa, askari watawapiga virungu na hata wengine kuweza kupoteza maisha, mimi naweza kuwa rahim (mwenye huruma) lakini polisi mkiwafanyia fujo watawatwanga na hata mkigoma baadaye mtarudi kwenye mazungumzo mkiwa na plasta midomoni,” alisema Kikwete na kushangiliwa na wazee hao waliokuwa wakitoa maneno kuwa wamechoka (wafanyakazi) waende wakalime mpunga.
Akifafanua kuhusu mishahara ya umma, Kikwete alisema kuwa, Aprili 6 mwaka huu, viongozi wa wafanyakazi walikutana kwenye tume, na April 27 mazungumzo yakaanza kujadili kima cha chini na kwamba mapendekezo yao yalikuwa ni sh 315,000/- lakini serikali ikasema haina uwezo huo hali iliyosababisha wao kuteremka mara tatu zaidi.
Alisema alishangazwa na viongozi wa TUCTA kushindwa kuwaelezea wafanyakazi ukweli juu ya mazungumzo yalipofikia hadi kusababisha wao kushusha dai la kutaka kiwango walichokipendekeza awali cha sh 315,000.
Kikwete alisema kuwa viongozi hao walipokutana na tume hiyo tena Aprili 30, wakakubaliana wakutane tena Mei 8 (Jumamosi wiki hii).
“Sasa juzi nasikia wakisema kwamba, hakuna kinachoendelea na kwamba mgomo uko pale pale ... hawa viongozi ni wanafiki wa hali ya juu, waongo wana hiyana ….wanachonganisha serikali na watu na wanafanya makusudi kama fitina ni nini? ama kweli ukubwa ni jalala kwangu mimi watu ninaowaongoza ni kama hawa,” alisema Kikwete na kushangiliwa kwa nguvu.
Alisema wao (Viongozi wa TUCTA) kama si waongo wakiseme hicho kiwango walichokipunguza toka sh 315,000 la sivyo yeye atakuwa tayari kukisema kiwango hicho kwa sababu yeye hana sababu ya kuwasingizia.
“Tunayo kila sababu ya kuhoji dhamira zao; Wana nia njema kweli hawa? Wana hili hili la wafanyakazi au wanalo lingine?” alihoji Kikwete.
Alisema wafanyakazi watakaogoma watakuwa wamekiuka taratibu na kanuni za ajira na pia watachukuliwa hatua za kisheria.
Akifafanua sababu za kushindwa kuwalipa wafanyakazi wa umma kima cha chini cha sh 315,000 Kikwete alisema kuwa, haina uwezo huo kwa sababu serikali ina wafanyakazi zaidi ya 300,000 na kwamba zinahitajika zaidi ya trilioni sita kwa ajili ya mishahara tu.
Kikwete alisema kuwa kiwango hicho kinazidi mapato ya serikali ambayo kwa mwaka ni zaidi ya shilingi trilioni tano na kwamba wao kama serikali wakikubali kuwalipa watahitaji trilioni sita huku mapato yakiwa ni trilioni tano.
“Sio kama tuna mtimanyongo au roho ya chuki hapana! Na wao waliliona hilo kwenye mkutano na ndio maana wakateremka…leo wanawavuruga wafanyakazi, wanasema eti kima cha chini sh 315,000 wanasahau kama walipunguza….. labda ukikubali kuwalipa ukakope, lakini hata hao utakaokwenda kuwakopa watakushangaa kwa sababu wanajua hutaweza kuwalipa na atasema hawa jamaa hawana akili nzuri,” alisema.
“Lakini hata kama ningekuwa nataka kumfurahisha Mgaya na watu wake…maana walishasema uchaguzi unakuja kula yao kwa anayejali maslahi yao hata kama nataka hizi kura nikiwaambia nitawalipa kiwango hicho nitakuwa nawadanganya.
“Kama hawataki wasinipigie kura…nitazipata kwa wengine ambao wanataka kudhulumiwa na hawa wafanyakazi…kwa sababu fedha za serikali ni kwa ajili ya Watanzania wote milioni 39 sasa hizi trilioni sita zinahitajika kwenda kununua madawa, ruzuku ya mbolea, maji, shule, umeme, barabara kwa faida ya kila mmoja sasa kwanini ziende kwa wafanyakazi? Hii si haki ni madai yasiyo na msingi wa haki,” alisema Kikwete na kuwafanya wazee wamshangilie huku wakiimba, “Kikwete sema…..sema usiogope semaaa…..Kikwete sema …..”
Akili ya kuambiwa na Mgaya changanyini na yenu, mfanane na mbayuwayu vinginevyo mtapoteza kila kitu si halali mkiwafuata mtakula hasara kwa kuwa hatutakuwa tayari kuwasamehe.
Alisisitiza kuwa wafanyakazi hata wakigoma kwa miaka nane fedha hazitaongezeka na kwamba kama kuna mfanyakazi anaona anadhulumiwa aache kazi ili kupisha wengine walioko nje wanaohitaji kazi.
Akimaliza hotuba yake, Kikwete alisema kuwa wao kama serikali wanawajali, wanawapenda wafanyakazi kwani bila wao shughuli serikalini haziendi na kwamba ahadi yake iko palepale kwamba wataendelea kuongeza mishahara kadiri ya uwezo wa serikali.
Awali Kikwete alimshutumu Mgaya kuwa alimwandikia barua Waziri Kapuya akimtaka asitangaze viwango walivyokubaliana vya mishahara ya kima cha chini ilihali wao ndio waliofanya mazungumzo na kutia saini.
Alisema mara baada ya waziri kutangaza, kesho yake wakaanza kusema mishahara aliyotangaza Kapuya ni danganya toto wakati wakijua kuwa viwango vilivyotangazwa vinatokana na vikao ambavyo wao (Tucta) walishiriki.
Naye Kaimu Naibu Mkuu wa Tucta akijibu hotuba hiyo ya Kikwete alisema, kitendo cha rais kumsema mbele ya hadhara kimemuongezea umaarufu mkubwa kwenye jamii.
Alisema, Rais Kikwete, alipaswa kutambua kuwa yeye ni kiongozi wa nchi ambaye hatakiwi kutoa maneno kama kiongozi dikteta.
“Huyu alichoambiwa na Waziri wa Kazi, Ajira na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Profesa Juma Kapuya ni uongo mtupu… tunasema kesho (leo) tunajiandaa kutoa tamkoa zito juu yake,” alisema Mgaya.
Alisema ni wazi, Rais Kikwete ameingilia uhuru wa mahakama kwa sababu suala hilo liko mahakamani, hakutakiwa kugeuka kuwa hakimu.
The Swahili version from Tanzania Daima runs below, a speech that raised different feelings in different persons, a speech whose live audience was mostly retirees to whom whatever workers were fighting for was meaningless to them. Cheer they did, throughout the speech.
Kikwete azikataa kura za TUCTA
• Asema wasipompa, wengine watampigia
na Ratifa Baranyikwa na Betty Kangonga
HATIMAYE Rais Jakaya Kikwete amewatisha wafanyakazi ambao wamepanga kushiriki kwenye mgomo ulioitishwa na Shirikisho la Vyama vya Wafanyakazi nchini (TUCTA) uliopangwa kuanza kesho kuwa watakumbana na mkono wa sheria endapo watathubutu kutekeleza azma yao hiyo.
Rais Kikwete alitoa kauli hiyo jana jioni jijini Dar es Salaam, wakati akizungumza na wazee wa mkoa huo kwenye ukumbi wa Diamond Jubilee ambapo alisema kuwa mgomo unaoshinikizwa washiriki ni batili na kinyume cha sheria kwa kuwa umeitishwa katikati ya mazungumzo.
“Mie ndiye muajiri mkuu nisikilizeni mimi, msimsikilize Mgaya (Kaimu Katibu Mkuu TUCTA) mtafukuzwa kazi wala Mgaya hamtamuona! Mtapoteza haki zenu…akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake mtu mzima dawa,” alisema Kikwete ambaye alikuwa akishangiliwa na wazee hao.
Akiwa ameongozana na Makamu wa Rais, Dk, Ali Mohamed Shein, Waziri wa Kazi na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Profesa Juma Kapuya, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, William Lukuvi na viongozi wengine wa chama na serikali, Rais Kikwete alianza kwa kusema kuwa ana mambo mawili ya kuzungumza na wazee hao, na akatamka moja kati ya hayo kuwa ni tishio la mgomo wa TUCTA.
Wengine waliohudhuria mkutano huo wa Kikwete ni Mkuu wa Majeshi ya Ulinzi na Usalama, Jenerali Davis Mwamunyange, Mkuu wa Jeshi la Polisi (IGP), Said Mwema na viongozi wengine wa serikali na Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
Rais Kikwete alisema kuwa hakupenda kulizungumzaia suala hilo kwa sababu alikwishalitolea ufafanuzi mwezi Machi mwaka huu lakini amelazimika kulizungumzia baada ya kuwasilikiliza viongozi wa TUCTA wakiwashawishi wafanyakazi kugoma katika maadhimisho ya sherehe za wafanyakazi za Mei mosi za mwaka huu.
“Nimesikia wakiwashawishi kugoma wakitutuhumu sisi kuwa ni serikali isiyoambilika, huo ni uongo na hawa viongozi wa TUCTA ni waongo, wanafiki…nilieleza katika hotuba yangu ya mwezi Machi jinsi serikali ilivyochukua hatua kuboresha maslahi ya wafanyakazi, na dhamira ya kuendelea kuwajali.
“Nikasema hata katika bajeti ijayo tumejiandaa kuongeza kima cha chini toka sh 60, 000 hadi kufikia 105,000…nikaeleza mambo mazuri toka katika sekta binafsi na umma lakini yote haya wenzetu hawayaoni hata walidiriki kusema kuwa Kikwete kaongeza shilingi 4,000 tu, ama kweli akutukanae hakuchagulii ...” alisema Kikwete kisha wazee hao waliokuwa wakishangilia muda wote aliokuwa akitoa vijembe wakamalizia msemo huo maarufu kwa kibwagizo cha … ‘tusiiiiii’.
“Sasa hata hatujazungumza wameanza kutangaza mgomo, sasa afadhali tuzungumze kwanza maana mgomo una kasheshe zake, mkigoma hamtaachwa, askari watawapiga virungu na hata wengine kuweza kupoteza maisha, mimi naweza kuwa rahim (mwenye huruma) lakini polisi mkiwafanyia fujo watawatwanga na hata mkigoma baadaye mtarudi kwenye mazungumzo mkiwa na plasta midomoni,” alisema Kikwete na kushangiliwa na wazee hao waliokuwa wakitoa maneno kuwa wamechoka (wafanyakazi) waende wakalime mpunga.
Akifafanua kuhusu mishahara ya umma, Kikwete alisema kuwa, Aprili 6 mwaka huu, viongozi wa wafanyakazi walikutana kwenye tume, na April 27 mazungumzo yakaanza kujadili kima cha chini na kwamba mapendekezo yao yalikuwa ni sh 315,000/- lakini serikali ikasema haina uwezo huo hali iliyosababisha wao kuteremka mara tatu zaidi.
Alisema alishangazwa na viongozi wa TUCTA kushindwa kuwaelezea wafanyakazi ukweli juu ya mazungumzo yalipofikia hadi kusababisha wao kushusha dai la kutaka kiwango walichokipendekeza awali cha sh 315,000.
Kikwete alisema kuwa viongozi hao walipokutana na tume hiyo tena Aprili 30, wakakubaliana wakutane tena Mei 8 (Jumamosi wiki hii).
“Sasa juzi nasikia wakisema kwamba, hakuna kinachoendelea na kwamba mgomo uko pale pale ... hawa viongozi ni wanafiki wa hali ya juu, waongo wana hiyana ….wanachonganisha serikali na watu na wanafanya makusudi kama fitina ni nini? ama kweli ukubwa ni jalala kwangu mimi watu ninaowaongoza ni kama hawa,” alisema Kikwete na kushangiliwa kwa nguvu.
Alisema wao (Viongozi wa TUCTA) kama si waongo wakiseme hicho kiwango walichokipunguza toka sh 315,000 la sivyo yeye atakuwa tayari kukisema kiwango hicho kwa sababu yeye hana sababu ya kuwasingizia.
“Tunayo kila sababu ya kuhoji dhamira zao; Wana nia njema kweli hawa? Wana hili hili la wafanyakazi au wanalo lingine?” alihoji Kikwete.
Alisema wafanyakazi watakaogoma watakuwa wamekiuka taratibu na kanuni za ajira na pia watachukuliwa hatua za kisheria.
Akifafanua sababu za kushindwa kuwalipa wafanyakazi wa umma kima cha chini cha sh 315,000 Kikwete alisema kuwa, haina uwezo huo kwa sababu serikali ina wafanyakazi zaidi ya 300,000 na kwamba zinahitajika zaidi ya trilioni sita kwa ajili ya mishahara tu.
Kikwete alisema kuwa kiwango hicho kinazidi mapato ya serikali ambayo kwa mwaka ni zaidi ya shilingi trilioni tano na kwamba wao kama serikali wakikubali kuwalipa watahitaji trilioni sita huku mapato yakiwa ni trilioni tano.
“Sio kama tuna mtimanyongo au roho ya chuki hapana! Na wao waliliona hilo kwenye mkutano na ndio maana wakateremka…leo wanawavuruga wafanyakazi, wanasema eti kima cha chini sh 315,000 wanasahau kama walipunguza….. labda ukikubali kuwalipa ukakope, lakini hata hao utakaokwenda kuwakopa watakushangaa kwa sababu wanajua hutaweza kuwalipa na atasema hawa jamaa hawana akili nzuri,” alisema.
“Lakini hata kama ningekuwa nataka kumfurahisha Mgaya na watu wake…maana walishasema uchaguzi unakuja kula yao kwa anayejali maslahi yao hata kama nataka hizi kura nikiwaambia nitawalipa kiwango hicho nitakuwa nawadanganya.
“Kama hawataki wasinipigie kura…nitazipata kwa wengine ambao wanataka kudhulumiwa na hawa wafanyakazi…kwa sababu fedha za serikali ni kwa ajili ya Watanzania wote milioni 39 sasa hizi trilioni sita zinahitajika kwenda kununua madawa, ruzuku ya mbolea, maji, shule, umeme, barabara kwa faida ya kila mmoja sasa kwanini ziende kwa wafanyakazi? Hii si haki ni madai yasiyo na msingi wa haki,” alisema Kikwete na kuwafanya wazee wamshangilie huku wakiimba, “Kikwete sema…..sema usiogope semaaa…..Kikwete sema …..”
Akili ya kuambiwa na Mgaya changanyini na yenu, mfanane na mbayuwayu vinginevyo mtapoteza kila kitu si halali mkiwafuata mtakula hasara kwa kuwa hatutakuwa tayari kuwasamehe.
Alisisitiza kuwa wafanyakazi hata wakigoma kwa miaka nane fedha hazitaongezeka na kwamba kama kuna mfanyakazi anaona anadhulumiwa aache kazi ili kupisha wengine walioko nje wanaohitaji kazi.
Akimaliza hotuba yake, Kikwete alisema kuwa wao kama serikali wanawajali, wanawapenda wafanyakazi kwani bila wao shughuli serikalini haziendi na kwamba ahadi yake iko palepale kwamba wataendelea kuongeza mishahara kadiri ya uwezo wa serikali.
Awali Kikwete alimshutumu Mgaya kuwa alimwandikia barua Waziri Kapuya akimtaka asitangaze viwango walivyokubaliana vya mishahara ya kima cha chini ilihali wao ndio waliofanya mazungumzo na kutia saini.
Alisema mara baada ya waziri kutangaza, kesho yake wakaanza kusema mishahara aliyotangaza Kapuya ni danganya toto wakati wakijua kuwa viwango vilivyotangazwa vinatokana na vikao ambavyo wao (Tucta) walishiriki.
Naye Kaimu Naibu Mkuu wa Tucta akijibu hotuba hiyo ya Kikwete alisema, kitendo cha rais kumsema mbele ya hadhara kimemuongezea umaarufu mkubwa kwenye jamii.
Alisema, Rais Kikwete, alipaswa kutambua kuwa yeye ni kiongozi wa nchi ambaye hatakiwi kutoa maneno kama kiongozi dikteta.
“Huyu alichoambiwa na Waziri wa Kazi, Ajira na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Profesa Juma Kapuya ni uongo mtupu… tunasema kesho (leo) tunajiandaa kutoa tamkoa zito juu yake,” alisema Mgaya.
Alisema ni wazi, Rais Kikwete ameingilia uhuru wa mahakama kwa sababu suala hilo liko mahakamani, hakutakiwa kugeuka kuwa hakimu.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Mayday 2010: Historical event for Tanzania

The official demonstration organized by the federation of trade unions, TUCTA, comprising a number of independent trade unions, took place at Uhuru Stadium, where such event has been taking place most of times the Mayday celebrations are held in Dar-es-Salaam.
Departing from tradition, though, was fact that the Guest of Honour was

There has been a long claim by trade unions, endorsed by their federation, that (i) minimum wage is way too low to support any employee for a month, (ii) PAYE tax on workers was way too high for this meagre salary (iii) uneven pension schemes for different groups of workers was discriminatory, that the government should attend to these issues. TUCTA had given government time to react to these valid claims, short of which an indefinite nationwide strike would ensue. The deadline is looming, and it is quite likely that the strike will take place as scheduled on 5 May. The president, in his recent monthly speech, had called for TUCTA and government to resolve the matter by talks, but as of May 1st, there had not been any joint communique about the agreement reached.
In what appears to be divide and rule, a slice of workers (including two of leading banks) had their own mayday celebration at another venue, Mnazi Mmoja grounds, officiated by the Dar-es-Salaam Regional Commissioner.
It seems these group 2 have things going well, hence bringing into the open the gradient of benefits between private and public sector. It is, however, noteworthy, the private sector came in their multitudes in support of popular TUCTA-led demonstations. This is solidarity.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are those of the author and not for any party or group of persons.
class struggle,
trade unions tanzania,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
If you....believe in witchcraft...
Many individuals do believe in witchcraft and supernatural powers.
I would totally understand such belief for a person who has no idea of physics how rainbow is formed, why sun sets and rises, why tides occur.
A person who is an adult of 18+; educated to some high school level+; and yet believe in witchcraft, that person is DUMB.
I would totally understand such belief for a person who has no idea of physics how rainbow is formed, why sun sets and rises, why tides occur.
A person who is an adult of 18+; educated to some high school level+; and yet believe in witchcraft, that person is DUMB.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Gays should get their own land and become extinct
Every where you look something about gays is being talked about. Gay marriage, gay rights, gay clergy, gay this, gay that. Gay people are in this very society we "straight" people (whom gays in their warped logic refer to as "having homophobia") live.
I do like gays as persons, many of them exhibit high level of imagination--is it that flair which causes mental shift causing them go counterlifewise? Mercury, Aiken, Sylvester, Maugham etc. etc. are people whose works i like and enjoy and was sorry to learn one by one that they were, uh, gays. Some "stepped out of the closet", other were caught in the act, and so forth.
When they are among each other, these unfortunate individuals feel happy and praise themselves how smart they are. Else how could you explain the colourful carnivals they hold?
If they could keep to themselves without influencing the normals, it would be fine. But some, in their bliss, not only want to tie a knot, but also adopt and bring up kids! It is unnatural for them to have kids of their own, you see. A kid brought up by gay couple would, without doubt, belong to that group of sinners without having idea anything is amiss. This shouldn't be.
I have therefore come up with this brilliant idea of gays being in their own country, electing their own leaders who 100 percent are pro-gay, with all found: music, art joy. The residents of that land of music and flowers shall be grown-ups who make their own decisions. That way they will have been contained, and there would be no increase of population (no sexual reproduction, of course), until such time where the last of them shall die happy with their twisted minds satisfied, "oh, what a life". That shall be the second Sodom and Gommorah.
I do like gays as persons, many of them exhibit high level of imagination--is it that flair which causes mental shift causing them go counterlifewise? Mercury, Aiken, Sylvester, Maugham etc. etc. are people whose works i like and enjoy and was sorry to learn one by one that they were, uh, gays. Some "stepped out of the closet", other were caught in the act, and so forth.
When they are among each other, these unfortunate individuals feel happy and praise themselves how smart they are. Else how could you explain the colourful carnivals they hold?
If they could keep to themselves without influencing the normals, it would be fine. But some, in their bliss, not only want to tie a knot, but also adopt and bring up kids! It is unnatural for them to have kids of their own, you see. A kid brought up by gay couple would, without doubt, belong to that group of sinners without having idea anything is amiss. This shouldn't be.
I have therefore come up with this brilliant idea of gays being in their own country, electing their own leaders who 100 percent are pro-gay, with all found: music, art joy. The residents of that land of music and flowers shall be grown-ups who make their own decisions. That way they will have been contained, and there would be no increase of population (no sexual reproduction, of course), until such time where the last of them shall die happy with their twisted minds satisfied, "oh, what a life". That shall be the second Sodom and Gommorah.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
New COSTECH Board appointed

These are individuals of notable management records and unquestionable integrity, in my humble opinion.
Source: Habarileo wedn 10 mar 2010
Mwenyekiti: Prof B Mwamila
Joyce Mapunjo - KM, MITM
Prof M Nkunya
Eliseta Kwayu - Katibu Mtendaji, Baraza la Taifa la Uwekezaji
Prof E Mwaikambo - HKMU
Christina Kilindu -Katibu Mtendaji Shirikisho la Wenye Viwanda Tanzania
Prof E Mbede - Mkurugenzi wa S+T, Wizara ya Mawasiliano, Sayansi na Teknolojia
Dr Hassan Mshinda - Mkurugenzi Mkuu, COSTECH
Prof A Mawenya - Mshauri Mwendelezi kutoka sekta binafsi
Bashiri Mrindoko - Kamishna wa Nishati, Wizara ya Nishati na Makini
Dr Fidelis Myaka - Mkurugenzi wa Utafiti na Maendeleo, Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika
Dr Abdulla Kanduru - Mhadhiri Chuo Kikuu cha Zanzibar
Dr Felician Kilahama - Mkurugenzi wa Misitu na Nyuki, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tanzania Engineer
Today's Tanzania's newspaper with largest circulation was carrying an advertisement by the Engineers Registration Board on its front page. It was a long, eight-part message. It announced many changes to be carried out in the next few days, virtually overhauling the system that had been in place hitherto.
I am an engineer myself, and have been shifting uncomfortably whenever the talk of what engineers in this country are doing. Almost fifty years after independence, spewing out engineers from our prestiguous University of Dar-es-Salaam, we are still having foreign companies doing almost everything, from road works to ferries, from installing microwave networks to installing processing plants.
Where are those hundreds of engineers who graduated every year, with growing number of enrolments year after year (this is an unfortunate trait of universities and colleges in our land, the first thing that comes to the minds of chief executive officers with respect to growth is to increase the number of enrolments while classes, lecturers and other facilities remain unchanged--year after year). Yes, where are all these engineers? Someone may have done some tracer study but the findings are not all that widely known. Many had resorted to carrying out other moneymaking activities, not engineering, such as trading. They flourished, no wonder, because someone with brains to graduate in engineering is likely to find business a piece of cake. If you were to ask them, they would look at you in the eye, say the system in place is hostile, unsupportive etc. to engineers. They would be correct, though they would be saying that with a pang of conscience.
It is therefore with joy that I read an advert that signals regulators taking their correct part to bring respect back to engineering carreer in this country. This first stage may look like it is making things difficult for engineers (raised fees, requirement to possess certificate indicating you were tested and found fit for the job, etc.)
It has also come at the right time, when the iron and coal deposits in Mchuchuma and Kiwira are about to start being exploited, a feat expected to revive the dead iron and steel industry which hardly has a pulse left at present.
Any engineer in his right mind would appreciate ERB move.
I am an engineer myself, and have been shifting uncomfortably whenever the talk of what engineers in this country are doing. Almost fifty years after independence, spewing out engineers from our prestiguous University of Dar-es-Salaam, we are still having foreign companies doing almost everything, from road works to ferries, from installing microwave networks to installing processing plants.
Where are those hundreds of engineers who graduated every year, with growing number of enrolments year after year (this is an unfortunate trait of universities and colleges in our land, the first thing that comes to the minds of chief executive officers with respect to growth is to increase the number of enrolments while classes, lecturers and other facilities remain unchanged--year after year). Yes, where are all these engineers? Someone may have done some tracer study but the findings are not all that widely known. Many had resorted to carrying out other moneymaking activities, not engineering, such as trading. They flourished, no wonder, because someone with brains to graduate in engineering is likely to find business a piece of cake. If you were to ask them, they would look at you in the eye, say the system in place is hostile, unsupportive etc. to engineers. They would be correct, though they would be saying that with a pang of conscience.
It is therefore with joy that I read an advert that signals regulators taking their correct part to bring respect back to engineering carreer in this country. This first stage may look like it is making things difficult for engineers (raised fees, requirement to possess certificate indicating you were tested and found fit for the job, etc.)
It has also come at the right time, when the iron and coal deposits in Mchuchuma and Kiwira are about to start being exploited, a feat expected to revive the dead iron and steel industry which hardly has a pulse left at present.
Any engineer in his right mind would appreciate ERB move.
Iron and Steel,
Friday, January 01, 2010
Year MMX is here!
Today is January First, Year 2010. Thank God, I've crossed over into the new decade.
Looking back to the outgoing year, I may say it was fine. Apart from regular work, I was invited to participate in a number of professional seminars, training and workgroups: I do appreciate when a peer values my potential.
My year was also full of pomp and ceremony where colleagues, friends and relatives were getting married, were being confirmed etc.
There was an event, though, that could have easily gone terribly wrong. We do read in papers and hear news about armed robbery, and we do not give it much thought-it never occurs to us that such an occurence can happen to us. Well, this time I was caught in the scene of armed roberry. It was early evening when a group of young men--not wearing any face masks, one brandishing a gun, hollered an order for everyone to lie on the floor. They then went from person to person cleaning their pockets of wallets and cellphones. About ten revelers we were, neither of us as much as cleared his throat. They then dashed to a car opposite to the tavern we were. The event must have taken not much longer than three minutes but to me seemed like one hour. They made away with my two cellphones and a wallet that had some money inside, but also my other IDs.
On the international arena, I was saddened by the passing away of my hero, Michael Jackson. I was also saddened by a large pack of human beings rubbering my hero, Tiger Woods to the extent of shooting him down from his deserved, comfortable perch. With Woods it will come to pass and he'll soon be swinging those irons and stringing birdies.
Then there is Barack Obama being elected the US President. Towards the end of counting when the outcome was all to obvious--I was watching it all on CNN on a TV in a hotel room --I got so excited I could feel hair behind my neck standing.
Then there was my super-heroine, Whitney Houston comeback: I'd known all along it was not all over for her, so her "re-debut" was my wish come true, and I wish her all the best. Same goes for Donna Summer, my disco queen.
Looking back to the outgoing year, I may say it was fine. Apart from regular work, I was invited to participate in a number of professional seminars, training and workgroups: I do appreciate when a peer values my potential.
My year was also full of pomp and ceremony where colleagues, friends and relatives were getting married, were being confirmed etc.
There was an event, though, that could have easily gone terribly wrong. We do read in papers and hear news about armed robbery, and we do not give it much thought-it never occurs to us that such an occurence can happen to us. Well, this time I was caught in the scene of armed roberry. It was early evening when a group of young men--not wearing any face masks, one brandishing a gun, hollered an order for everyone to lie on the floor. They then went from person to person cleaning their pockets of wallets and cellphones. About ten revelers we were, neither of us as much as cleared his throat. They then dashed to a car opposite to the tavern we were. The event must have taken not much longer than three minutes but to me seemed like one hour. They made away with my two cellphones and a wallet that had some money inside, but also my other IDs.
On the international arena, I was saddened by the passing away of my hero, Michael Jackson. I was also saddened by a large pack of human beings rubbering my hero, Tiger Woods to the extent of shooting him down from his deserved, comfortable perch. With Woods it will come to pass and he'll soon be swinging those irons and stringing birdies.
Then there is Barack Obama being elected the US President. Towards the end of counting when the outcome was all to obvious--I was watching it all on CNN on a TV in a hotel room --I got so excited I could feel hair behind my neck standing.
Then there was my super-heroine, Whitney Houston comeback: I'd known all along it was not all over for her, so her "re-debut" was my wish come true, and I wish her all the best. Same goes for Donna Summer, my disco queen.
Barak Obama,
Donna Summer,
Michael Jackson,
tiger woods,
Whitney Houston
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