Wednesday, July 25, 2007
With Internet, fraud shall be tamed
Daily News, Thursday,July 26, 2007 @00:02
THE government has raised game hunting fees this fiscal year as part of efforts to boost revenue from tourism and ensure greater contribution of the sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), currently standing at 17 per cent only.
Tabling the Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources budget estimates for 2007/8 in the National Assembly here yesterday, the Minister, Professor Jumanne Maghembe, said that the new rates were aimed at aligning the fees with the rest of the 14- member SADC states, of which Tanzania is a founding member.
"Under the new fees, hunting a lion or a leopard, for example, will cost $12,000 (about 12.5million/-) compared to the previous dollars 2,500(about 3m/-)," he said.
The licence to kill a jumbo will now be dollars 15,000 instead of dollars 5,000 whereas a crocodile will cost dollars 2,500 instead of dollars 1,050 previously.
"The rates for leasing hunting blocs have been raised from dollars 10,000(near parks --category A) to dollars 50,000 and dollars 40,000 for blocs near forests(category B) per annum. The amendments are expected to raise the income from 11bn/- last year to $33bn/- this year," said Mr Maghembe.
Prof. Maghembe said plans were underway to prepare new General Management Plans (GMP) for some selected forests, adding that Usangu forests would be merged with the Ruaha Park , to create Africa's second biggest park with 22,226 square kilometres.
The ministry will bring bills to establish Mkomazi Park and another park on Saanane Island, near Mwanza on Lake Victoria.
To increase efficiency in park fees collection, the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA) will introduce system of payment through credit cards. The CRDB and Exim banks have been engaged to ensure verification and collection of payments.
The minister added that the government's determination to attract 1.2 million tourists by 2012 was on course, saying that massive publicity and marketing drive was underway to promote Tanzania's world famous attractions. About 600,000 tourists, mainly from the western countries visited the country last year.
Prof. Maghembe said a Bill on wildlife regulations was being prepared to allow establishments of ranches , zoos and a law on commercialisation of live animals.
The government also plans to increase price of logs by at least 30 per cent to match with the global market price. The increase will fetch the government 45bn/- from the current 11bn/-.
He said the ban on exports of timber remained intact and that all those involved in smuggling are being dealt with at appropriate levels.
The ministry is also working out ways of reviving the beekeeping industry and the first step towards that goal was the re-establishment of the Beekeeping College in Tabora.
About 400m/- has been set aside in the budget to rehabilitate the college's buildings.
Daily News, Thursday,July 26, 2007 @00:02
THE High Court's Commercial Division has restrained Member of Parliament (MP), Mrs Halima Mohamed Mamuya, from dealing with tourist hunting activities in the name of Morogoro Hunting Safaris Limited, which operates in Southern Tanzania.
Judge Bernard Luanda issued the temporary order yesterday after considering an application and submissions made by advocate Deusdedith Dankan on behalf of the company.
The judge further stopped the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) MP under Women Special Seats, her agents, heirs or any person acting under her instructions from entering Sasawala Hunting Block located in Ruvuma Region, which is the lawful asset of the company.
Judge Luanda, however, ruled that the said temporary order would remain in force for six months from yesterday pending determination of the main suit lodged by Mrs Mamuya, who is demanding 350m/- damages from the company. The suit will be mentioned on September 3.
In the suit, the MP is also challenging her termination of membership from the company. Before institution of the suit last year, Mrs Mamuya was a director holding 8,518 shares. Other directors were Mr Jamal Abdallah Suleiman and Mr Alli Ahmed Saeed holding 8,519 and 8,518 shares, respectively.
The company disputes the MP is a shareholder, a director or its managing director. The current directors and shareholders are shown as Mr Suleiman, Mr Mohamed Jamal Abdallah and Mr Ahmed Jamal Abdallah.
The directors want the court to declare Mrs Mamuya as unlawfully interfering with their company and in a counter claim want her to pay them 200m/- damages for unlawfully utilising the company's assets and interference with its business.
It is alleged that Mrs Mamuya, Mr Suleiman and Mr Saeed formed the company in 2003 for the purposes of carring on business of, among others, light and big game professional hunters, export of trophies, stuffed animals and deal with business of tour guides and tourist consultants, trappers and mini-zoo keepers.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Phew, what a week
Closer to home, there were earthquakes in Kenya and Tanzania which is not a normal occurence. There were also a series of daring robberies in what looked like the giant that had been humbled was waking up again. It seems, though, it is crooks from neighbouring countries who regard our country as a soft target to rob.
Crime: This is one of the reasons I am very much against the East African federation: such a union ought to come gradually and not to be imposed by leaders who may have ulterior motives.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
A tribute to Amina Chifupa
Remember when you were young,
you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire
of childhood stardom,
blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target
for faraway laughter,
come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon,
you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night,
and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome
with random precision,
rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
Nobody knows where you are,
how near or how far.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Pile on many more layers
and I'll be joining you there.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
And we'll bask in the shadow
of yesterday's triumph,
sail on the steel breeze.
Come on you boy child,
you winner and loser,
come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine
Keywords: Amina Chifupa, heroine, dirty politics, martyr, Tanzania, Queen of Hearts
Zitto Kabwe, MP, gave a heart-rending one-on-one to the late Amina Chifupa.
Subject: [tanzanet] Amina - Kwenye macho ya Zitto Kabwe
Zitto Kabwe |
AMINA, umetangulia kwa Mola. Umetutoka tukiwa bado tunakuhitaji. Taifa lako ambalo ulianza kulitumikia ukiwa kijana mdogo linakulilia. Nchi imezizima, hakuna anayeamini. Safari hii ni yetu sote, wewe umeanza. Msalimie Bibi Titi. Unakumbuka nilikuwa nakwambia kupitia kwako namwona Bibi Titi? Wengi wanadhani wanakujua. Umeondoka bila kuwaonyesha kuwa wanakujua ndivyo sivyo. Kila mtu anasema chake kutokana na ama amesikia nini au amekuona katika nini. Unakumbuka ulipochaguliwa kuwa mbunge watu walisemaje? Eti hata Amina naye kawa mbunge? Utafanya nini bungeni. Haikukuchukua mwaka ukawaonyesha tofauti. Ukafanya yale ambayo wengi kwa kweli yalitushinda kufanya. Ukaanza vita kubwa na ngumu ambayo hujaimaliza mpaka unaingia kaburini leo. Hata hivyo si lazima umalize vita uliyoianza. Edward Mondlane wa Frelimo alituaga kabla hajaona mwisho wa vita aliyoanzisha ya kumng'oa Mreno Msumbiji. Kina Samora wakamaliza vita hiyo. Umeianza vita, tutaimaliza. Umetupa changamoto. Swali lako la mwisho bungeni lilihusu wizi wa mitihani. Hukupata bahati kuliuliza. Uliuliziwa na jirani yako, Ruth Msafiri, wa Muleba Kaskazini. Najua kama ungekuwapo ni aina gani ya swali la nyongeza ambalo ungeuliza. Nilikuangaza kule unakokaa sikukuona. Lakini nilijua utarudi muda si mrefu. Amina ulikuwa mwepesi kujifunza na wala hukuona aibu kuomba msaada, tena bila kujali itikadi ya chama ya unayemwomba msaada. Mimi nilikutana nawe kwa mara ya kwanza pale tulipoitwa na Mheshimiwa Spika kuhesabu kura za kumthibitisha waziri mkuu. Tukapeana namba za simu na kupoteana tukiwa tunasalimiana pale tunapoonana tu. Sikutegemea hata siku moja kama utakuwa karibu yangu kiasi tulichofikia. Niseme kweli, hata mimi nilikuwa najiuliza utafanya nini bungeni wewe, nikijisemea kuwa wewe ni kilaza tu. Rafiki yangu, na pia rafiki yako kipenzi, Omar Ilyasambe, kwa sasa yupo masomoni nchini Marekani, alinitahadharisha nisiwe kama watu wengine wanaokutafsiri kwa ujumla. Akaniambia nikupe muda wa maongezi na msaada kwa yale ninayoyajua. Urafiki ukaanzia hapo. Urafiki wa kujifunza na kujadiliana mambo mengi ya nchi yetu. Nakumbuka ulikuwa unanilaumu kwa kuwa mkali kwa serikali yako ya CCM na kwamba wakati mwingine nazidisha. Nilikwambia ndiyo kazi yangu katika upinzani. Ulinielewa. Tulijadiliana maswali yetu na maswali gani ya nyongeza kuuliza. Tulijadiliana kuhusu masomo yako na masomo gani ya kuchukua katika juhudi zako za kutafuta elimu. Tulibishana sana kuhusu ni wapi ukasome shahada yako ya kwanza. Wewe na Omar mkitaka uende kusoma nje, mimi nikitaka usome hapa hapa nchini ili pia ufanye kazi zako za ubunge. Niliwashinda na kweli ukaanza kusoma. Ukajitahidi kusoma kwa bidii sana. Walimu wako watakukosa. Amina, ulikuwa na malengo makubwa sana katika maisha yako. Ulianza kujiandaa kuongoza umoja wa vijana wa chama chako katika matayarisho ya kupata mafunzo thabiti ya uongozi. Mapema kabisa ulianza kupambana na vikwazo, lakini hadi unaanza kuumwa, zote uliona ni changamoto tu za maisha ya kisiasa. Siku uliyoanza kuumwa ulikuwa uende Lindi kufanya kazi za vijana, lakini pia kujiandaa na changamoto za uchaguzi mwakani. Masikini umeondoka na ndoto yako. Inauma sana kukupoteza. Wakati tunaokujua tukitafakari kuhusu kifo chako, hatuoni tumempoteza mbunge tu, tunaona tumepoteza mpiganaji mahiri. Mpiganaji wa mstari wa mbele katika vita ya kunusuru taifa kutokana na ubadhirifu wa mali za umma. Wakati mwingine tunaona tumepoteza kamanda mwema, mwenye uwezo wa kupata habari zote za adui na kushauri njia bora za kukabiliana na adui. Amina, maisha yako yana tafsiri nyingi. Umepitia mambo mengi sana. Ulitaka kuandika kijitabu kuhusu maisha yako ili watu wakujue vizuri. Wakati tunajiandaa kukusanya vya kukusanya, ukawa mgonjwa. Umeondoka kabla hujakamilisha azima yako. Bado watu hawakujui. Tutakamilisha kazi yako ili vizazi vijavyo vijue kuwa kulikuwa na kijana kiongozi mahiri mwenye msimamo thabiti. Amina niseme nini kukuelezea wakati tunakupumzisha pumziko la kudumu? Maneno hayaji, vidole vinatetemeka. Tutakukumbuka. Ucheshi wako na umahiri wako katika kuhakikisha unapata unachokitaka. Usiku wa tarehe 6, Mei ulinipigia simu kuniambia kuwa Mkwawa anakuita, na kwamba Mwalimu Nyerere ananipa salamu. Mimi naomba uwape salamu. Uwaambie nchi yao ipo inaendelea, na kwamba huna uhakika ndoto yao ya kujenga taifa imara itafikiwa karibuni. Waambie Mkwawa na Mwalimu kuwa siku hizi ili uwe kiongozi ni lazima upande mabegani mwa mwingine na kumwangusha na wala si uwezo wa mtu. Amina, nakutuma kwa Bibi Titi, mwambie kuwa juhudi zake za kutaka mwanamke, tena mwanamke wa Kiswahili kuonekana ana uwezo wa kuwa kiongozi, bado zinaendelea, na wewe umeziacha zinaendelea. Umefanya kazi yako, umewaachia kijiti wengine wafanye pia. Nenda Amina, nenda kapumzike. Umetuonyesha kuwa vijana tunaweza. Tumejifunza, hatutakuangusha. source : |
Comments on TanzanNet
On 6/29/07, Sir Nyamranga
On 6/29/07, Simba Yahya