Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Year Day 2007 (2)

A rare photo (back to camera) of Kifimbo with Mbaga, the propriettor of RV Psub. The pub, along with several other shops in this locale famously referred to as "International" because of proximity to the International School of Tanvanyika, were pulled down with reason that they were constructed on a roadside area not allowed for that purpose.

A kid donning sunshades, playing with a toy giraffe. No, she isn't the one taking beer in the seemingly gigantic bottle in front of her

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Some New Year Day photos in Dar

A view of Kilimanyege from the Haile Selasie - Chole Road Junction

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Internet and mobile communications in Tanzania - things are getting better

Two years ago one would hardly imagine what was coming with respect to information and communication technology.

- I'm writing this post while connected to a fixed wireless terminal with internet ported into the pc via a usb cable. The connection claims to be 230.4 kbps, although in reality it's not that. The CDMA wireless set is sold affordably at about 90 usd and with minimmu hassle.

- I do surf some webpages, including reading my yahoo and gmail mails anywhere on my nokia 6030 cellphone-a value-added subscriber perk by celtel tanzania

- Cellphones prices have hit the ground, with sets as low as 15 usd!

With all the other great things on the net such as google maps, blogs and p2p, I never cease to be amazed by the everchanging landscape of ict in Tanzania and the world.
Cherish the day...